Monthly Archives September 2014

This one made me laugh with Job like joy…..

 Over at Dalrock, Cail Corishev makes the following observation:Jesus_wept

 “When did Christians start believing that God is a happiness vending machine, where you put the right behaviors in the slot and out pops the good life? Is my Bible the only one with the book of Job in it? If that book doesn’t scream loud and clear that God owes you nothing and you can’t expect to be rewarded in this life for living right, you really weren’t paying attention.”


Needs to be repeated…..

Back in 2013, The Outlaw Monk posted:


Get over yourself! Realize that Christ’s mission was to save the whole world, not just you. As a follower of Christ your commission is to help the poor and feed the needy, not to go around telling people how great your life is because of Jesus. Instead of preaching your personal testimony, preach the Gospels and the good things that Christ did for all of us—that is the definition of evangelism.